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Welcome to this June 26th, 2024 edition of BD Forward - the friendly weekly writeup for those who are excited, curious, and even afraid of AI. We are here to help you keep up with the latest on AI for legal BD, share jargon-free AI concepts, flag the law firms adopting AI, and explain the latest AI breakthroughs in plain English.
DataPlus AI
June 26, 2024
min read
Welcome to this June 19th, 2024 edition of BD Forward - the friendly weekly writeup for those who are excited, curious, and even afraid of AI. We are here to help you keep up with the latest on AI for legal BD, share jargon-free AI concepts, flag the law firms adopting AI, and explain the latest AI breakthroughs in plain English.
DataPlus AI
June 18, 2024
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Law firms can differentiate themselves by leveraging AI to generate deal ideas and analysis for corporate and private equity clients. By embracing AI technologies and partnering with innovative startups like DataPlus AI, which focuses on growth and revenue generation, law firms can provide enhanced value, gain a competitive edge, and meet the evolving needs of their clients in an increasingly competitive legal landscape.
DataPlus AI
June 18, 2024
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Welcome to this June 12th, 2024 edition of BD Forward - the friendly weekly writeup for those who are excited, curious, and even afraid of AI. We are here to help you keep up with the latest on AI for legal BD, share jargon-free AI concepts, flag the law firms adopting AI, and explain the latest AI breakthroughs in plain English.
DataPlus AI
June 10, 2024
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Welcome to this June 5th, 2024 edition of BD Forward - the friendly weekly writeup for those who are excited, curious, and even afraid of AI. We are here to help you keep up with the latest on AI for legal BD, share jargon-free AI concepts, flag the law firms adopting AI, and explain the latest AI breakthroughs in plain English.
DataPlus AI
June 5, 2024
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As AI transforms the legal industry, DataPlus is focused on a business origination engine that leverages real-time data to identify new clients and opportunities. By partnering with DataPlus, law firms can harness the power of AI to drive revenue growth and maintain a competitive edge in an evolving market.
DataPlus AI
May 31, 2024
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Welcome to this May 29th, 2024 edition of BD Forward - the friendly weekly writeup for those who are excited, curious, and even afraid of AI. We are here to help you keep up with the latest on AI for legal BD, share jargon-free AI concepts, flag the law firms adopting AI, and explain the latest AI breakthroughs in plain English.
DataPlus AI
May 28, 2024
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Welcome to this May 22nd, 2024 edition of BD Forward - the friendly weekly writeup for those who are excited, curious, and even afraid of AI. We are here to help you keep up with the latest on AI for legal BD, share jargon-free AI concepts, flag the law firms adopting AI, and explain the latest AI breakthroughs in plain English.
DataPlus AI
May 22, 2024
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Law firms face significant revenue and profit margin declines from the use of AI in the practice of law. DataPlus uses AI to help law firms find new business opportunities and expand market share by identifying trends, and tailoring pitches. As law firms embrace innovation, law firms that leverage AI will remain competitive and achieve long-term success.
DataPlus AI
May 16, 2024
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Activators and Experts are the most successful rainmakers in the legal landscape. Both types of rainmakers can benefit from AI-powered business development solutions to drive significant growth for their firms. Rainmakers that embrace effective strategies, combined with the effective use of purpose-built technology, will be best positioned to thrive in the face of evolving client buying behaviors and fragile loyalty.
DataPlus AI
May 15, 2024
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Welcome to this May 15th, 2024 edition of BD Forward - the friendly weekly writeup for those who are excited, curious, and even afraid of AI. We are here to help you keep up with the latest on AI for legal BD, share jargon-free AI concepts, flag the law firms adopting AI, and explain the latest AI breakthroughs in plain English.
DataPlus AI
May 15, 2024
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Wilson Sonsini introduces AI-powered commercial contracting offering on its Neuron platform, combining the firm's expertise with cutting-edge technology to streamline contract review and deliver superior client value. The innovative solution, featuring a tested AI agent and fixed-fee pricing, positions the firm to enhance service delivery and potentially boost financial performance metrics in the future.
DataPlus AI
May 15, 2024
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Welcome to this May 8th, 2024 edition of BD Forward - the friendly weekly writeup for those who are excited, curious, and even afraid of AI. We are here to help you keep up with the latest on AI for legal BD, share jargon-free AI concepts, flag the law firms adopting AI, and explain the latest AI breakthroughs in plain English.
DataPlus AI
May 14, 2024
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Paul Weiss is actively piloting AI tools but has not yet attributed financial gains to the technology. The firm is finding the most value in lawyer ideation, efficiency, and document summarization. Though not yet impacting the bottom line, Paul Weiss' early AI adoption positions the firm well for future growth.
DataPlus AI
May 14, 2024
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LLM-powered business development platforms are essential tools for law firm growth. These platforms enable law firms to produce talking points that drive new matters, identify high-value opportunities, anticipate future demand, and engage in productive business conversations. Adopting these innovative technologies is crucial for law firms to remain competitive, drive growth, and maximize profitability in an evolving legal landscape.
DataPlus AI
May 8, 2024
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Large Language Models (LLMs) with embedded legal expertise and access to real-time market data can help law firms identify potential new clients and legal matters by analyzing industry trends, regulatory changes, and competitor activities. These AI models streamline business development efforts by automating initial research and analysis, allowing lawyers to focus on client engagement. Proactively providing data-driven legal insights enhances client relationships and positions firms for growth.
DataPlus AI
April 30, 2024
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Developing AI capabilities for client acquisition and business development projects will emerge as a pivotal asset for law firms aiming to outpace competition. By leveraging AI tools specifically tailored for the legal sector, firms can streamline research and analysis processes, empower informed decision-making, and unlock new revenue opportunities. Investing in AI expertise now positions law firms for substantial growth and innovation in the future, cementing their position as industry leaders in an increasingly competitive landscape.
DataPlus AI
April 24, 2024
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Law firms are leveraging AI to generate customized research and insights that help differentiate their services and acquire new clients. AI enables firms to quickly identify opportunities in emerging markets, forecast industry trends to inform strategic decision-making around client acquisition efforts, and produce tailored analysis that strengthens client relationships. By harnessing AI for these purposes, law firms can gain a competitive edge in attracting and retaining clients in a crowded market.
DataPlus AI
April 16, 2024
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Law firms are actively navigating the rapidly evolving field of generative AI, balancing the need for innovation with risk mitigation and client expectations. As firms continue to educate their staff, form strategic partnerships, and identify impactful use cases, the legal industry is eager to keep pushing forward and adopt Gen AI.
DataPlus AI
April 16, 2024
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As law firms disclose their financial performance for 2023, we are sharing an AI strategy report that complements the firms' disclosures to provide you with a comprehensive view of their strategies. The list of law firms and initiatives has been gathered by DataPlus and the sources include news reports, public announcements by law firms and vendors via press releases, news publications, and social media.
DataPlus AI
April 15, 2024
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AI is enabling law firms to streamline legal research and generate comprehensive company reports exponentially faster, saving valuable time. By strategically implementing AI into their workflows, law firms can gain a competitive advantage through increased efficiency and positioning themselves as innovative, tech-savvy providers. Ultimately, leveraging AI allows legal professionals to dedicate more time to high-value tasks and revenue-generating activities.
DataPlus AI
April 10, 2024
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AI is transforming the legal sector by enabling law firms to predict future market trends and allocate resources accordingly, as well as generate high-value research and insights much more efficiently. By strategically integrating AI, innovative law firms can differentiate themselves and gain a competitive advantage in the crowded legal market. Ultimately, AI allows law firms to uncover new revenue streams and increase efficiency.
DataPlus AI
April 2, 2024
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Law firms are urgently adopting generative AI due to client expectations, competitive pressures, and the potential for increased efficiency. Generative AI allows firms to revolutionize research, create deeply tailored pitches, enhance their competitive edge, and streamline operations to reduce costs. Early adoption is seen as critical for gaining an advantage in the rapidly evolving legal industry.
DataPlus AI
March 26, 2024
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Mid-size law firms can leverage AI to better compete with larger firms by using it for efficient, tailored research to enable differentiated client interactions. AI allows scaling operations cost-effectively by automating routine tasks, improving profits per partner. Early adoption of AI in areas like business development and competitive intelligence can provide a competitive differentiation for mid-size firms against BigLaw.
DataPlus AI
March 20, 2024
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As AI accelerates, law firms must prioritize comprehensive AI education to build firmwide literacy and stay ahead of their competitors and client needs. Firms that neglect AI training for attorneys and staff risk obsolescence, while those proactively developing AI fluency position themselves as market leaders equipped to capitalize on AI's potential.
DataPlus AI
March 12, 2024
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Law firm Knowledge Managers using Generative AI tools will rapidly become Revenue Scouts. Equipped with LLMs, live web data, 3rd-party licensed content, and proprietary information, this new class of Revenue Scouts will support fee earners and guide law firms toward sustainable growth in an increasingly competitive industry.
DataPlus AI
March 6, 2024
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As law firms face a more complex and competitive business development environment, Generative AI offers a compelling answer: those who embrace this technology will find themselves at the forefront of the market and enjoy a durable competitive advantage.
DataPlus AI
February 29, 2024
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Fine-tuned large language models are like having a legal subject matter expert on your team, offering precise analysis and insights tailored to the complex needs of the legal industry, whereas out-of-the-box models struggle with niche terminology and lack the specialized experience required for legal business development. Law firms that leverage fine-tuned AI will gain a competitive edge in navigating today's complex legal landscape.
DataPlus AI
February 23, 2024
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Early adopters of artificial intelligence tools for legal business development will gain significant competitive advantages, including enhanced client insights, early spotting of market trends, competitive intelligence, and improved talent acquisition and retention. The strategic integration of AI is becoming imperative for legal firms aiming to secure a leading market position and reap the benefits of innovation.
DataPlus AI
February 16, 2024
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The Playbook for adopting AI across Legal Business Development, Research, Competitive Intelligence, and Knowledge Management is a collection of insights that DataPlus has identified from interactions with different law firms looking to add Generative AI to the business of law.
DataPlus AI
February 5, 2024
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Shifting from data collection to data interpretation is crucial. Generative AI, exemplified by platforms like DataPlus AI, transforms how law firms gather, analyze, and interpret vast amounts of information. Purpose-built Generative AI enables legal professionals to anticipate market shifts and client needs more effectively.
DataPlus AI
January 30, 2024
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ChatGPT is the mouth....Not the Brain.....While ChatGPT seems impressive, using it as a research tool for legal business development, research, or competitive intelligence purposes would be unwise. Its lack of a relevant, updated, and nuanced knowledge base and context compromises the accuracy and reliability of its output. For reliable, professional use cases, it's recommended to use a purpose-built product grounded in industry-trusted data sets that ensure outputs reflect the nuances of the legal world.
DataPlus AI
January 29, 2024
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Generative AI’s impact on the legal industry has significantly evolved since its mainstream emergence in late 2022, driven by the release of OpenAI's GPT models. This rapid development of new and updated AI models offers both challenges and opportunities for legal professionals seeking to enhance task efficiency and service delivery.
DataPlus AI
January 25, 2024
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Generative AI is transforming law firms by improving research, data analysis, and operational efficiency, and allowing for extensive customization. It's significantly reshaping law firm strategies and operations, leading to a more efficient, client-focused, and data-driven legal industry.
DataPlus AI
January 19, 2024
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AI is not just changing the practice of law; it is changing the business of law by offering new avenues for growth and differentiation. By understanding and integrating these technologies, your firm can look forward to a future where innovation and efficiency are at the heart of legal services.
DataPlus AI
January 4, 2024
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2023 was transformative for legal tech due to the rapid adoption of AI tools across the legal industry. 2023 marked only the beginning of this transformation and 2024 promises to be the year of Co-Pilots for law.
DataPlus AI
December 27, 2023
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In 2023, AI advancements significantly impacted legal practices with tools like GPT-4, enhancing research and case preparation. Looking ahead to 2024, AI is poised to revolutionize law firm business operations, enabling better market analysis, targeted marketing, and predictive insights, shaping the future of the legal industry in terms of efficiency and profitability.
DataPlus AI
December 21, 2023
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Thorough client research enables law firms to pinpoint risks and openings for client engagement by analyzing client industries, business models, transactions, and leadership changes. A proactive approach positions firms as indispensable partners that identify issues before they become crises.
DataPlus AI
December 10, 2023
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Conducting thorough market research and analysis is essential for law firms to understand industry dynamics, identify growth opportunities, gauge competition, and make strategic business decisions around positioning and service offerings. Advanced data analytics and technology tools can provide deeper insights to aid precise market forecasting and trend analysis.
DataPlus AI
December 10, 2023
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Employers and employees alike recognize the far-reaching impact of AI, with over 90% expecting significant benefits from generative AI technologies. This optimism extends beyond IT departments, influencing roles in sales, marketing, human resources, and more. In particular, marketing professionals who possess AI skills can benefit from a 43% jump in their paychecks (41% for operations staff).
DataPlus AI
December 4, 2023
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Reinforcement Learning is a type of artificial intelligence where a system learns to make decisions through trial and error. It is similar to teaching a child to ride a bike; the child learns to balance and pedal through practice and adjusting their actions based on the outcome.
DataPlus AI
December 3, 2023
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Large language models have emerged as a cornerstone technology, especially in text and language-driven fields like legal business intelligence and market analysis. These LLMs have a unique way of understanding and interacting with the world of data. But how do these models actually work?
DataPlus AI
December 3, 2023
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Retrieval-Augmented Generation is a new AI framework that combines a retrieval model for sourcing relevant information with a generative model for crafting responses, allowing for more accurate, up-to-date, and trustworthy answers provided by large language models. RAG reduces "hallucinations".
DataPlus AI
November 28, 2023
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Large language models are reshaping the business and legal industries with their ability to understand and generate human-like text. They are built with two core components: the model's brain, containing all the neural network weights (connections) that define how it processes language, and the operational code that brings this neural network to life.
DataPlus AI
November 28, 2023
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Becoming the go-to legal advisor demands not just legal expertise, but a deep understanding of the business needs of the clients of the firm. This is where large language models come into play, changing how legal professionals approach research, analysis, and insights generation.
DataPlus AI
November 15, 2023
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Traditional BD approaches like entertainment and customer relationship management (CRM) entries, while still relevant, are no longer sufficient. The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) into business development strategies offers a groundbreaking approach to research, analysis, and insight generation.
DataPlus AI
November 14, 2023
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Becoming the legal advisor of choice requires that a law firm develops a deep understanding of its client's business, industry, strategy, and regulations and that it provides the tailored advice that differentiates the firm from its peers.
DataPlus AI
November 13, 2023
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A growing number of law firms are experimenting with Generative AI for different parts of the business to gain competitive insights, improve workflows, and spend less time on manual tasks so lawyers and legal business professionals can dedicate more time to focusing on clients.
DataPlus AI
November 7, 2023
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As AI becomes part of daily life in the legal industry, it's essential for attorneys and staff to become familiar with Generative AI concepts and terminology. At DataPlus, we understand the need for jargon-free knowledge so we created a list of terms and concepts for non-technical professionals.
DataPlus AI
November 6, 2023
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An increasingly competitive legal landscape requires legal business development professionals to develop a deep understanding of their client's business objectives and how their firms can uniquely address them.
DataPlus AI
November 6, 2023
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The integration of AI in the routine activities of legal business development allows legal business development professionals to pinpoint market turning points, monitor industry trends, and ultimately, spot more quality business opportunities.
DataPlus AI
October 29, 2023
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The DataPlus blog is a jargon-free hub where you can read about our product updates, law firms adopting AI, and the latest AI breakthroughs.
DataPlus AI
October 29, 2023
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