Leveraging AI for Time Efficiency for the Business of Law

DataPlus AI
April 10, 2024
min read

In the legal sector, driving revenue growth requires law firms to demonstrate to the market that their services are high quality, differentiated and time efficient. In a world where every company in every industry is racing to figure out how to best leverage AI, law firms are also constantly seeking ways to leverage this new technology to transform how they search for information, analyze that information, and generate insights that will maximize value delivered to their clients in a time efficient manner. In this blog we will explore how AI is enabling law firms to save valuable time and in turn increasing their competitive advantage.

Streamlining Research with AI

Whether you are a legal business development, competitive intelligence or research services professional, your role most likely requires a substantial amount of research across various sources including the open web, law firm specific data, company and industry reports, filings and more. AI tools that are plugged into these sources and fine-tuned to provide the most relevant output possible, allow these professionals to pull the most relevant information and generate insights in minutes rather than hours or days. This not only accelerates the research phase of projects but allows these professionals to dedicate more time to strategy and other high value tasks directly correlated to revenue growth.

Revolutionizing Company Research Reports

When conducting client due diligence, professionals on the business side of law firms often need to put together robust company research reports. These reports require as much information as possible about a company including a summary of their business, main competitors, industry outlook, market positioning, financials and more. As discussed above, AI tools can exponentially speed up the research part of this process, but the AI platforms that add the most value are also able to take all this research and produce a customized, fully formatted report. AI platforms with these types of capabilities not only save time, but also help law firms find new revenue opportunities.

Implementing AI for Competitive Advantage

For law firms looking to harness these benefits, the path involves more than just adopting AI technology. It requires a strategic approach to integrate AI into their workflow, training staff to leverage these tools effectively, and continuously updating their AI capabilities to keep pace with technological advancements. Firms that successfully implement AI strategies not only gain a competitive edge in efficiency but also position themselves as forward-thinking, tech-savvy providers in the eyes of their clients.


In the quest for efficiency and competitive differentiation, AI stands out as a key enabler for law firms. By saving time on legal research and producing meaningful insights, AI allows legal business professionals to focus on what they do best: bringing strategic value to their clients and finding new revenue opportunities.

DataPlusAI — Co-Pilot for Legal Business Development

DataPlus is an AI-platform that offers three distinct skillset modes that allow business development professionals, researchers, and competitive intelligence staff to 1) Search; 2) Analyze; and3)Generate high-quality and thought-provoking insights that lead to meaningful conversations with their current and prospective clients.

By leveraging DataPlus, legal business development professionals can save time, streamline their client screening process, and gather deep insights about their current and prospective clients, industries, markets, and competitors. To learn more about DataPlus and experience the benefits, sign up to try the DataPlus platform today.

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